Fixing the Writing Mindset

Writing isn’t what it used to be… at least that is what I am hoping to understand as  I begin the journey of making writing go beyond paper and pen and into the world of creativity, invention, collaboration, and simply:  a wonderful place to exist.

The days of having students sit at a desk and face the dreaded empty white paper is easing away from my memories. Instead, I see a new world of writing. Students actively engaged in creating writing with different materials especially when they are stuck on describing their character or when their setting is lacking details.  The old strategy of draw it out has it’s benefits but it still happens to appear in that small box at the top and the writing goes below it. The ability to draw and create is lost as students move up the staircase to enter the upper grade’s curriculum.  “Just visualize it in your head. You know, play the movie in your head, and then write it down.”  For a struggling writer, that is asking them to have their tooth pulled out without Novocaine.

And so, my goal is to help all writers but especial those that just find it challenging to sit and write what comes to mind- “writing long and strong”.

Follow me on my journey of making writing great again and building the confidence in young writers.


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